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To win the lottery, each player has their own system, which they consider the best. The big question is whether or not it really pays to win. Some people play the same numbers week after week. Others use computers to generate random winning numbers. Often players also use a combination of both, such as typing their birthdates and family members’ dates of birth, then randomly adding more numbers.

Another popular method is to mark the numbers in geometric order on the coupon, for example in the form of a straight line across several numbers. Each player then has his own variant of a lotto system and hopes to be successful and his numbers will be drawn.

Lottery system tickets

With classic lotto systems, it’s simply a matter of choosing more numbers, spending more money. With a full system, you can select 7 or 8 numbers instead of the usual 6 numbers. This obviously increases the possibilities, but it also costs a lot more.

The so-called partial systems allow the player to select several fixed numbers and combine them with several additional numbers. This increases the chances of winning , especially if the fixed numbers are drawn. These partial systems are also considerably more expensive than a regular lottery ticket.

 el gordo the primitive Personal lucky numbers

There is a lot to be said for always picking the same numbers over a longer period of time. After all, there is a certain chance that every possible combination of numbers will be drawn once after a long enough time. You have to keep in mind, however, that in theory you only bet 220 times a year when you play 5 number combinations and two ties per week.

Assuming, for example, that there are 10 million number combinations, one could – in theory – expect to win the main prize every 45,000 years.

Hot and cold numbers

best lottery systemPlayers can pick numbers that haven’t been drawn for a long time or numbers that have been drawn more often in the past. It is generally true that repeated random extractions will result in a certain amount of equal distribution in the long run. However, it can take a long time for this to happen, such as hundreds of years as in the example above.

The conclusion can only be that in the end it always depends on luck. Lotto systems of any kind do not help you win the lottery. But wait, there really is a way to increase your chances of winning. For this, you need to understand the mathematical concept of expected value.

The expected value of each game of chance is calculated using the following factors:

  • the cost of the game (in our case the cost of a ticket): the lower the price, the higher the expected value
  • the probability of winning: the greater the number of possible combinations, the lower the expected value
  • the amount of the prize to be won, if your numbers are drawn: the higher the payout, the higher the expected value

You have no influence on the first two factors. And the third factor is also fixed, but there is one exception: the current jackpot amount! In fact, the math chances are really higher when the jackpot is bigger!

The only lottery system that helps is smart use of funds

Therefore, you should only play the lottery when the jackpot is particularly high. This means that every time the jackpot is hit, you shouldn’t be playing for a while. But if you don’t want to wait that long for the jackpot to rebuild, the ideal alternative is to look for other lotteries abroad . These often offer significantly better and higher jackpots.

These lotteries cannot be played conventionally, but this is where our service comes into play. Our service allows the lottery player to choose from a variety of lotteries from around the world. You’ve probably heard of the US Powerball and Mega Millions lotteries . The payout is almost always a multiple of your national lottery.

With the option to play lotto online, you can proceed in such a way that you always select the respective highest jackpot. This is the smart way to always get the best value for money. Tickets for those lotteries usually cost about twice as much as a regular ticket. But the calculation still works if, for example, you get a ten times higher jackpot for double the ticket price!

Play the lotto successfully by choosing the right lottery

Playing the lottery online makes sense because this is the only really promising system, selecting the current best lottery. It is the only system through which you can significantly increase your chances of winning.