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When it comes to buying lotto tickets, you need to know if you are eligible. After all, different countries have different rules when it comes to who is and is not allowed to buy lottery tickets. Some countries have higher age limits than others, for example. And some countries prohibit the purchase of lottery tickets entirely, regardless of your age.

Age to buy lot in the US

If you live in the US or are looking to purchase tickets you need to be at least 18 years of age. In the US, this is considered the age at which you become a legal adult and only at this point are you eligible to purchase tickets. Purchase tickets before this renders them invalid and you may face legal penalties. Not to mention anyone who sells them to you could also face legal penalties. However, the US isn’t the only one with this minimum. In fact, Australia, France, Germany , Italy and others also have a minimum age of 18. This means that you would need to be at least 18 years old to purchase a ticket and have the actually legal winning numbers.
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Age to buy lot in the UK

In the UK, the age to buy lottery tickets is actually 16 overall, but that doesn’t mean you can always buy tickets at the age of 16. There are some lottery games and products that are not designed for only 16 and these will have a minimum of 18 instead. However, you will know if there is a specific item that you cannot purchase until you are 18 years old.

Age to buy lot in other countries  legal age lottery

There are some countries that have a younger age where you can buy lotto tickets. These include Iceland, where you are only 15 years old. This means you would still be in high school and able to walk into any store to purchase the tickets you want.

Other countries are older. For example, the Bahamas, India, and Armenia require you to be at least 21 years old to be able to purchase lottery tickets. This means that you would have been out of school for a long time and in most of the world you would have been legally considered an adult for some time before you could buy.

Age to buy lotto online

If you are looking to buy lottery tickets online , you need to take into consideration where you live and where you are buying your tickets from. Of these two countries, the country with the higher age limit is the one that matters. If you live in Iceland but are purchasing tickets for a game played in the Bahamas, you must be at least 21 years old, even if the legal age in your country is less. è un servizio di messaggistica per biglietti della lotteria che offre la vendita online di biglietti della lotteria, gestito da LLL World Marketing Limited, Peiraios 30, primo piano, ufficio 1, 2023 Strovolos, Nicosia-Cipro.

onlinelotto365 è un sito di servizi indipendente che offre la vendita online di biglietti della lotteria e non è collegato né supervisionato dalla National Lottery, MUSL Camelot Plc o da qualsiasi altro fornitore dei prodotti disponibili su questo sito. EuroMillions è un marchio di Services aux Loteries en Europe. National Lottery e Lotto sono marchi di Camelot Group Plc.