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When buying a lottery ticket, you obviously always want to get the most out of your investment. This includes choosing your numbers in a way that increases your chances. But there is more to consider, such as which lotteries to play and when. Here are some tips that will help you improve your chances .

Check the previous lottery results

Many players choose their numbers by checking which numbers are overdue the longest or by finding out which numbers come up more often than others. Both strategies seem to work, although mathematically there are no guarantees.

One method would be to check the results of the last draw . An online lottery site like ours can help you with this. We have a page where you can find all the results of international draws and an archive for the dates of previous draws. You will find more than 15 lotteries and their winning numbers. You can also play all those lotteries online, right from their website.

Using the information from the previous draws, there are basically two things you can do. Method 1 is to use only numbers that were not drawn for any of the lotteries from the past week or weeks. Method 2 is to select the winning numbers from different lotteries. You can also decide to use last week’s winning numbers from Lottery A for your next ticket for the upcoming Lottery B draw.

Play international lotteries online

On our site you can see all the current jackpot amounts for multiple lotteries, such as Powerball and Mega Millions, and other lotteries from different parts of the world. Some of these will be hundreds of millions, which is the main reason why playing lotto online has become so popular.
 mega million

Birthday dates and other personal favorites

This is an all-time favorite among the various lottery strategies. The players used birthday dates, numbers from their address data and other numbers that have personal meaning. Often they always play the same numbers .

Use lottery software

There are a number of lottery software products. But you need to be aware that while they often promise to make you a guaranteed winner, what they do is, at best, give you a minimal increase in your chances of winning.