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Powerball Australia – latest and previous winning numbers, results

With international lotteries, you can try to check the results in the newspaper, but it is unlikely that you will find the winning numbers for Powerball Australia in your local paper. You may not find it on any of your local TV channels either. If you do it’s going to take some time and effort to get the right channel.

Another option is to check the website for Powerball Australia to see if they offer a live drawing option. If they do you may be able to watch along and get the full enjoyment out of seeing your numbers drawn live. But not all games offer this option and you may find yourself missing out on the experience altogether.
You can also look on YouTube to see if there is a recording of the live drawing for Powerball Australia. This could be a good way to find the results after the drawing has been done.
Powerball Australia

The best way that you can find the results of the Powerball Australia, however, is to check out our website. You’ll be able to find the results for this and any other game that we have available, so you don’t have to worry about missing anything at all.

How to find out if your online ticket has won

What about if you’ve already bought your own tickets for the Powerball Australia? Well, then it’s even easier for you to check out the winning numbers. Instead of checking the regular lottery results page, you can check out the tickets page on your account. This will let you see the winning numbers compared to your own, which is going to be even better for your needs.

You can look for any numbers in your ticket that are highlighted, which means that they match the winning numbers. Then, you can see just how much you’ve won. And if it’s less than €2500 it will be credited to your account just like that.

Powerball Australia results archive

On our website, we make it easy for you to check not only the current lottery numbers for Powerball Australia and more but also the old numbers. One of the most popular ways that people choose their numbers is by looking at some of the older ones, so we make sure that you can find those numbers on any page where we offer the current winning numbers.

My ticket has won, what happens next?

If your ticket is a winner you just need to sit back and let us help you get the money you’re entitled to. If you won less than €2500 we’ll credit it to your player account as soon as the results are verified. Then you’ll be able to withdraw the money as long as there is €10 in your account.