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As the most popular game in the world, the lottery has brought fame and fortune to many lucky players. But, can you play the lottery with bitcoin? And if yes, is it a much better version of the typical lottery where you use standard currency? The answer is, yes, you can play the lottery with bitcoin. Bitcoin is one of the many payment options we offer. And, yes, it can be a better way of paying if you are into Bitcoin and hate to conform to the reality of the economic world where dollars, euros, pounds sterling, and other currencies dominate.

More excitement

A bitcoin lottery game can easily rock your world. Almost every game relies on an innovative gaming interface. And, the advantages that are commonly related to this cryptocurrency are numerous. Most important of all, the winnings are instantly paid, there are lower fees or none at all, and there are no country restrictions.
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Anybody can play bitcoin lottery games from anywhere in the world no matter if lotteries or gambling is forbidden there.

Even big lottery ticket sellers like Jackpocket, a New York-based mobile lottery ticket purchasing platform that sells lottery tickets for three New York state lotteries as well as the Mega Millions and Powerball have shown interest in Bitcoin. After partnering up with BitPay, Jackpocket was able to offer anonymity, time-efficiency, and no fees. Introducing bitcoin transactions helped Jackpocket to ease the pressure put by the credit card processors and banks.

Is the bitcoin lottery legit?

When you are in search of online bitcoin lotteries, it’s important to look for provably fair ones. Provably fair lotteries are games that are 100% clean. The provably fair gaming concept allows for players to verify all game results by themselves. A provably fair lottery cannot perform any manipulation. This is probably a big relief to players worried that online lotteries don’t pick random numbers for their games. But, if the lottery is provably fair, it means all results are published by displaying the hash for the players to see verify it.

This all may be confusing to a person that is not tech-savvy. But, a lot of the players that play bitcoin lotteries are actually sort of IT experts, and they bother with these kinds of things. So, even if you don’t have the ability to check the results and their authenticity, rest assured that there are hundreds of other players doing that and making sure the online bitcoin lotteries give out random results thanks to the provably fair system.

And when you do win Bitcoin on a lottery, you can expect almost instant payouts instead of 2 to 5 days like when you use your credit card to buy a ticket. Just give the address of your bitcoin wallet and enjoy your winnings a short time later.