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How much can I win at Mega Millions today?

The Mega Millions is another big lotto game in the United States and offers prizes that can go over a billion, In fact, this is only one of two games in history to accomplish that feat. But there are plenty of prizes that are several hundred million as well. In fact,...

Which countries have taxes on lottery wins?

If you’re planning to play the lotto, or if you’ve already been playing the lotto, you’ll want to know what you’re actually getting and what you’re not. After all, if you have to pay taxes you’re going to get less money than you might think. And unfortunately, in many...

A ranking of lotteries with better odds to win

If you’re going to buy lottery tickets you want to make sure you have the best chance of winning, right? Well, the best way to do that is to look at the odds of winning the jackpot or at least winning a large prize. With many of the lottery games around the world,...

How old must I be to buy lottery tickets legally?

When it comes to buying lotto tickets you need to know if you’re eligible. After all, different countries have different rules when it comes to who is and isn’t allowed to buy lottery tickets. Some countries have higher age limits than others, for example. And some...

Ways to pick lottery numbers that win

Anyone who plays the lottery wants to win, but it’s not that easy. There are millions of people playing the lottery and hoping to win. And plenty of them is looking for tips and tricks that are going to make it easier for them. So, how do you put yourself at the front...

The USA offer plenty of big money draws

Lotteries are very popular in the United States, as evidenced by how many of them rank among the biggest lottos in the world. Led the way by the massive Powerball Lottery, it features prizes often in the nine-figure range and is the stuff that lottery legends are made...